10 Signs Your Company Is In Distress (Part II)

If you’re here, you probably made your way through Part I of our list.  So, here’s Part II of 10 Signs Your Company Is In Distress: 5. You’ve Become Your Own Accountant, Making Numbers Dance. 4. You Stop Comparing Monthly Opening Balances. 4 (a). You […]

10 Signs Your Company Is In Distress (Part I)

Recognizing your company is in distress is never easy.  Like many other small business owners, you might be denying a few sure signs that your company is in trouble.  SmallBizReorg discusses 10 signs to identify your company is in distress. Here’s Part I of our […]

How Do You Know If You Should File For Bankruptcy?

You might have tried to answer this question by watching YouTube videos. The fact is, this question can only be answered by a skilled professional who knows the unique circumstances of your situation. Some questions need to be asked, answered and analyzed to determine whether […]

Welcome To SmallBizReorg

Welcome to SmallBizReorg, where small businesses come for help! SmallBizReorg is a resource for small businesses. Here, you will find frank and honest discussion on topics that aren’t discussed at cocktail parties. SmallBizReorg is hosted by Jack Rose, a lawyer with over four decades of […]